John F. Lehman is the author of 9 well-reviewed books.

Oceans Ventured — Winning the Cold War at Sea
John Lehman has given us another naval classic in Oceans Ventured–the incredible story of the navy’s central role in winning the Cold War. Based upon meticulous research and newly declassified documents, Lehman’s fresh account has the grip of a well-crafted adventure novel. His perspective is uniquely authoritative: he was a key architect of American strategy, a crucial figure in its execution, and an active participant as a qualified naval aviator. A must-read…
Command of the Seas
Command of the Seas is a book that speaks forcefully to both the success and failures of the Reagan administration’s military policy. The author is a wise and honest man.

Making War: The 200-Year-Old Battle Between the President and Congress Over How America Goes to War
John Lehman draws on his extensive experience in Washington, which took him from the rarefied atmosphere of the National Security Council to the exalted position of secretary of the navy, to give us a fascinating perspective on U.S. involvement in the Persian Gulf War. Even more important, Lehman examines the dangerously unsettled question of who, Congress of the president, in the final analysis, is empowered to commit the nation to war. He renders an important service in bringing to us this provocative book.
On Seas of Glory: Heroic Men, Great Ships, and Epic Battles of the American Navy
A masterful execution of an inspired idea–rather like the Inchon landing and other operations ably examined in these pages.

The 9/11 Commission Report: Final Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (Authorized Edition)
America the Vulnerable
In the essays collected here, some of the most respected strategic thinkers in the United States address questions that could affect national security and international affairs for years to come.

Naval Power After Cold War Victory
We face an entirely new era because the cold war is over, and we now have an undisputed role of leadership in the world. It is an opportunity to mold a new peace in the years ahead.
Where Are the Carriers? U.S. National Strategy and the Choices Ahead
Since the carrier’s adoption over 100 years ago, policymakers and service members have argued over the ship’s mission, size, vulnerability, and—of course—cost. These arguments have become increasingly more pointed as the armed services compete over diminishing financial resources.

Aircraft Carriers: The Real Choices
The aircraft carrier has provided one of the most controversial Defense issues since the Second World War. For the first time in an unclassified document all of the important elements of this complex issue are explained in clear and scholarly treatment.