“Lehman’s Maritime Triumph” by Dov Zakheim
“Getting Back on Top: How to Rebuild the Navy”
“A Campaign Against Bureaucratic Bloat in U.S. Foreign Policy”
“A Life of Service, Lived with Good-Natured Irreverence”
“China, Russia, Iran threaten – New Pearl Harbor”
“US Aircraft Carriers Can Trump Chinese Anti-ship Missiles”
“The U.S. Navy Must Be Everywhere at Once”
“Disarming the Navy Through Bureaucratic Bloat”
“We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Navy: In a World of Many Threats, Our Ships at Sea are as Crucial as Drones”
John Lehman and Rep. J. Randy Forbes: “What Navy’s New Maritime Strategy Should Say”
John Lehman and Rep. J. Randy Forbes: “American Seapower for the 21st Century”
“More Bureaucrats, Fewer Jets and Ships”
“Josephus Daniels: His Life and Times” by Lee A. Craig
“Zumwalt: The Life and Times of Admiral Elmo Russell ‘Bud’ Zumwalt, Jr.” by Larry Berman
“The Admirals: Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King – The Five Star Admirals Who Won the War at Sea,” by Walter Borneman
“Not so neutral after all: Ronald Reagan made secret plans…”
“The Seas Are Great but the Navy Is Small”
“The Olympia May be Headed to a Watery Grave”
“End the Monopolies in Defense Contracts”
“Wasteful Defense Spending is a Clear & Present Danger”
“Safety in Intelligence” John Lehman and Bob Kerry
“Castles of Steel” by Robert Massie”
“The Kennedy’s At War” by Edward Renehan and E. J. Renehan, Jr.
“Supreme Command” by Eliot Cohen; “Beyond Terror” by Ralph Peters
“The Savage Wars of Peace” by Max Boot
“War in A Time of Peace” by David Halberstam
“Does America Need A Foreign Policy?” by Henry Kissinger
“America’s Military Problems and How to Fix Them” by John Lehman and Harvey Sicherman
“At War at Sea” by Ron Spector; “Ghosts Soldiers” by Hampton Sides; “Nelson Speaks” by Joseph Callo
“Naval Battles of the Twentieth Century” by Richard Hough; “USS Olympia” by Benjamin Franklin Cooling III; “Splinter Fleets” by Theodore R. Treadwell
“Horses Don’t Fly” by Frederick Libby; “The Western Front” by Richard Holmes
“MacAuthur’s War” by Stanley Weintraub; “Hot Shots” by Jennie Ethel Chancey & William R. Forstchen
“Rapid Escalation: An Overview of Private Equity Investing in the Aerospace and Defense Industry” by John Lehman and Stephen Brooks
“Maritime Supremacy” by Peter Padfield
“Keep the Big Guns” by John Lehman & William Stearman
“The U. S. Navy since 1946“ and “Seapower”
Publisher: Oxford Companion, American Military History 2000
“The First World War” by John Keegan: “Over There” by Byron Farwell
“The Prize of All the Oceans” by Glyndwr Williams
“Blind Man’s Bluff” by Sherry Sontag & Christopher Drew; “Fortress America” by William Greider
“Conquests and Cultures” by Thomas Sowell
“Warriors’ Honor” by Michael Ignatieff
“Citizens Soldiers” by Stephen Ambrose; “The World Within War” by Gerald Linderman; “Blue Helmets” by John Hillen
“Ironclaw” by Sherman Baldwin; “Hazardous Duty” by David Hackworth
“The New World Strategy” by Colonel Harry Summers; “Silent Running” by James Calvert
“Operation Iceberg: The Battle for Okinawa” by Gerald Astor; “The Last Great Victory” by Stanley Weintraub
“The Nightingale’s Song” by Robert Timberg
“Crossing the Line” by Alvin Kernan
“On the Origins of War” by Donald Kagan
“Prisoners of the Japanese” by Gordon Daws
“Haiti Operations: Absurd Goals But Good Tactics”
“The History of the Gingerman” by J.P. Donleavy
“D-Day, June 6, 1994” by Stephen Ambrose
“A History of Warfare” by John Keegan
“The Wine Dark Sea” by Patrick O’Brian
“Is the Joint Staff A General Staff”
“Driven Patriot” by Townsend Hoopes & Douglas Brinkley
“Long Day’s Journey Into War” by Stanley Weintraub
“It Doesn’t Take a Hero” by Norman Schwarzkopf & Peter Petre
“The Age of Battle” by Russel Weigley; “Fatal Decision” by Carlo D’Este; “Ten Days to Destiny” by John Costello; “Moral Combat: Korea 1950-1953” by John Toland
“Lessons from the Gulf Deployment”
“Curries & Bugles” by Jennifer Brennan; “The Whole Chili Pepper Book” by David DeWitt & Nancy Gerlash
“General of the Army: George C. Marshall” by Ed Cray
“Reserve Forces Critical to Streamlined Navy of the Future”
“In the Pentagon, the Undead Walk”
“The Heroic Retreat Was Really a Rout”
“Guns of August” by Barbara Tuchman
“Flight of the Intruder” by Stephen Coonts
“The Revolutionary Process: Ireland, A Case Study”
“Reflections on the Non Proliferation Treaty”